Hi! My name is Jenna Rabin. I'm a freshman at FSU, but I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. The first thing I enjoy telling people is that I am a huge nerd. I love to read and write and I will constantly have conversations about TV shows and movies whenever I'm prompted to. Harry Potter and Star Wars are basically personality traits of mine. I'm also very short, only five feet tall, but fun size.
In schools, I've had experience with Microsoft applications such as Teams, Word, and Powerpoint. I've had to use those a lot through high school, especially Microsoft Teams, as it was the way we had virtual classes at the end of last semester. I've also used the Georgia Virtual Schools online platform for my online classes my senior year, so I got familiar with a certain platform for online classes. I have also used Microsoft OneNote, because a lot of teachers in my high school required us to take notes and submit work through it.
My personal learning network consists of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, GroupMe, and more. On Instagram and Facebook, I follow and keep up to date with various clubs and organizations that I'm a part of such as my sorority and Hillel. Also on Pinterest, I am able to see different ways people study. There are various posts on study habits that I have found quite useful. GroupMe has also been a huge help all the way through high school and into college. The 2020 seniors from high school used it as a way to plan senior skip days and events, and in college I am part of group chats for various classes and my dorm hall in order to get information. Offline, I like to study with groups of people in my classes to promote active learning, as well.
Were you required to take an online class through Georgia Virtual School? It wasn't a requirement when I was growing up in Atlanta (but that was many years ago!). Did you enjoy it? How did your online class(es) compare to your other in-person classes?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't required to take classes, but I chose to senior year because there were classes offered on GAVS that weren't offered in-person at my high school, such as mythology and sociology, which were the classes I took. I did enjoy it, although if I'm being honest, I didn't learn as much as I wish I had about those subjects. It was easier for online classes to get things done, and I enjoyed being able to go home early, but I wish I had learned more.
DeleteHi Jenna! I loved reading your post, one thing that I noticed is how we have some of the same personal learning networks. I am always using Facebook, Group me and pinterest. I especially love pinterest because you can honestly find anything you need on there such as ways to study like you said.